Frame Design Changes Exposed
I was out of town recently and found a new 2001 Ext 1500 at a
Chevy dealer. I checked
out the frame and there were enough other trucks (100+) to compare with that I
was able to chronicle the visible changes across 99, 00 and 01. The 99 and 00 both had a wimpy bolt-on transmission crossmember that
was not braced to the frame. The 01 and the later (appeared to be after 3/00
builds) 00's , had welded mounts on the frame for the transmission crossmember.
These mounts had 90 degree bracing to the frame. They also dropped down below
the rails to
accommodate a larger crossmember. The 01s add two braces that run from a foot
behind the front wheel on each frame rail to a central point on the crossmember
where the front bushing of the lower control arm attaches to. This effectively provides another 90 degree brace to the frame. The 01 also has a brace that runs
perpendicular from the left to the right frame rails about 8-10 inches in front of the
driveshaft carrier bearing mount.
Below you will find digital pictures of these trucks, including the frame stickers
that show the build dates. The 2001 showed a 6/21 date. I saw many 2000s in the
6/8..6/9 range but no new braces. I even have several pictures of a brand new
complete 4wd frame leaning against the body shop wall it had no braces and was
built in Canada on 6/6. It did have the complete transmission crossmember attached. I would
like to see that shop ticket. Could it be vibration related???? I have
many more pictures I will post later. Some are suspension others frame, etc.