Tech Service Bulletin - Increased Accelerator Pedal Effort (Replace Throttle Body)

#00-06-04-007A Increased Accelerator Pedal Effort (Replace Throttle Body)
1999 -- 2000 Chevrolet and GMC C/K Pickup Models (Silverado and Sierra)

with 4.8 L, 5.3 L or 6.0 L V8 Engine (VINs V, T, U -- RPOs LR4, LM7, LQ4)

This bulletin is being revised to add additional part numbers and clarify labor operations. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 00-06-04-007 (Section 06 -- Engine Controls).

Some customers may comment on a higher than expected accelerator pedal effort from the idle position.

Condition may be caused by a tight throttle blade in the throttle body bore when in the closed position.


DO NOT adjust the shipping air screw to rotate the throttle body blade away from the throttle body bore. Adjusting the shipping air screw compromises the idle speed control, and may lead to other driveability concerns. Adjusting the shipping air screw may lead to reduced Idle Air Control valve durability.

Verify the cause for this condition is not a damaged or binding throttle cable. FIGURE Figure 1 - Throttle Body Date Code Identification(c)

(1) Location of last 5 digits of Throttle Body Assembly Part Number

(2) Location of 4 digit Julian Date Code
(3) Throttle Body Assembly

Remove the throttle body , from the engine and inspect the 4 digit Julian date code, stamped on the bottom edge of the mounting flange. The Julian date code is stamped on the lower edge of the mounting flange, next to the gasket edge, on the side of the throttle position sensor. The stamped 5 digit code ; is the last 5 digits of the Throttle Body Assembly Part Number. See Figure 1 - Throttle Body Date Code Identification.
If the Date Code is 2979 , or earlier:
Replace the Throttle Body Assembly using appropriate Service Manual procedure.

DO NOT clean the Throttle Body Assembly.
DO NOT attempt to adjust Throttle Body Assemblies.
Parts Information
Model Year Part Number Description
1999 17113597 Throttle Body, 4.8 L V8 w/Manual Transmission
1999 17113583 Throttle Body, 4.8 L and 5.3 L V8 w/Automatic Transmission 1999 17113558 Throttle Body, 6.0 L V8 w/Automatic Transmission 1999 17113599 Throttle Body, 6.0 L V8 w/Manual Transmission
2000 17113639 Throttle Body, 4.8 L V8 w/Manual Transmission
2000 17113665 Throttle Body, 4.8 L and 5.3 L V8 w/Automatic Transmission and w/o Traction Control
2000 17113640 Throttle Body, 6.0 L V8 w/Manual Transmission
2000 17113652 Throttle Body, 6.0 L V8 w/Automatic Transmission and w/o Traction Control
1999 2000 17113561 Seal, Throttle body (not shown)

Parts are currently available from GMSPO.

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